More Haikus to Portland and Klamath Falls

{Here’s the account of our weekend travel and shows up in Oregon!}

Saturday, December 17

Corvallis –> Portland, OR

Showers, breakfast, yum

Billy breakfasted with Steel

a little ether


To Portland we go,

Through the ice and snow on roads

not going so slow.


Arrived early at

The Analog Theater

We’re well received there


Portland vibes and scene

We rocked and rolled longer on

Stage for snowy crowd



Brought people out in the snow

and Robyn got drunk.


Portland bus antics

Some recorded, some questioned,

Our friends are awesome.


Kyler hosted us,

Had to leave early to go

South to Klamath Falls.

Sunday, December 18

Portland –> Klamath Falls, OR

Winter wonderland

Through Willamette Pass, we stand

Beauty all around


Oregon mountain towns

The Dragon sure likes it here

We are sailing smooth


We meet with Victor,

who guides us to our parking,

Enter The Pikey!


We have mutual

love for this place and magic

unfolded on stage.

pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…


Continuing DAtour with Haikus

Friday, December 12, 2016


The Dragon, Awake,

Slumbers in Jackson Wellsprings

We head to Grant’s Pass


Fuel filter gasket

Air leak and no pressure in

It was pretty rough


Grant’s Pass re-supply

Other cars flying by us,

Had to stop again.


Two ravens flew high,

Blessing our safe passage

Hour to work, jam, pray

The Dragon purrs when

We arrive in the mountains

Like he’s home again


Over big mountain

passes, we are flying fast

Now we are late, but


No one arrived at

Samm’s house in Corvallis ’til

We found snowy town.


We played acoustic

in the warm old house, birthday

Enjoyment to all

(drunk cat.)


{Once we got to the snowy mountain passes of Oregon, we experienced a relatively smooth ride, experienced epic scenery, played amazing shows, meeting fun folk along the way…tell you more about it next week!}

From the Dragon’s Log: More Locational Haikus

{I was inspired to write down what transpired on this tour in the form of haikus, partly because the name #zenmountainpoets  emerged through some haikus that Billy and Victor were writing while hanging out in San Diego.  Here’s the account of the next couple days}:

Wednesday, December 14: Fairfield, CA –> Ashland, OR

Soul Christmas Music

The earth quakes, some are awake

Missing piece aligned


Raining on the road

Gas station to rest station

Pulled over in Weed


Shasta energy

palpable as we journey

into the mountains


Raining in Ashland

Oberon’s is warm, friendly

Fairie folk abound


Enjoying the sound

Gordon guides us to Wellsprings

near Bear Creek Greenspace

Thursday, December 15: Ashland, OR


The Dragon’s wiring grounded

Toil and caring hands


Mechanic Billy

Anthony and Jeremy

Logistical Team


Near Jackson Wellsprings

so Amaris and Robyn

make the pilgrimage


The healing waters

Lithia and connections

Sauna, showers, yes…


{more to come…}


From the Dragon’s Log: Robyn’s locational haikus

Monday December 12, 2016

Morro Bay –> Paso Robles

Batten the Hatches

Bus surfing is key to ride

In-synch gas station


Paso Robles –> Sebastopol

Twenty miles per hour

Jamming music brings us pow’r

Finally landed.


Tuesday December 13, 2016


Fuel pump research day

Friendly forces combine to

Help us play on time


Christmas decorates

Apple pie and coffee ate

Timmy keeps bar great!